جمعه ۳۱ فروردین ۰۳

اخبار انگليسي(با ترجمه سطح مياني): پسر بسيار باهوش!

Very Clever Boy – level 1

This news is about a boy. He is 11 years old. He is from England. He takes the Mensa IQ test. His score is 162. He could be more clever than Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking.

One of the boy’s hobbies is badminton. He wants to use his intelligence to help the world.

Difficult words: Mensa IQ test (a test that shows how much information you know and how you solve problems), score (how well you do in something), could (it is possible that; can; may be).
Very Clever Boy – level 2

An 11-year-old boy scored 162 in the Mensa IQ test. Only around 2 per cent of people reach a score higher than 132, which is a ticket to the Mensa club. The boy’s IQ could be higher than Einstein’s or Stephen Hawking’s.

The boy is from a town in England and one of his hobbies is badminton. He wants to use his intelligence to help the world.

He said that the test was not ’that difficult’, but he admitted that he had to guess on a few questions because there was not enough time.

Difficult words: Mensa (a group of people who believe that they are very smart), IQ test (a test that is supposed to measure how much information that you know and how you solve problems), admit(say that something is true).
Very Clever Boy – level 3

An 11-year-old from a town west of London scored 162 in the Mensa IQ test, meaning that his brain could be brighter than Stephen Hawking’s or Albert Einstein’s.

He said that the test wasn’t ’that difficult’ but admitted that he had to guess a few questions as there was not much time. Arnav, whose hobbies include badminton, wants to use his intelligence to help the world.

Only around 2 per cent of people reach a score higher than 132, which is a ticket into the Mensa club.

Difficult words: a ticket into somewhere (how you get into something, usually something difficult).

پسر بسيار باهوش! سطح مياني

يك پسر ۱۱ ساله در تست IQ Mensa امتياز ۱۶۲ را كسب كرد. تنها حدود ۲ درصد از مردم مي توانند به امتيازي بالاتر از ۱۳۲ برسند، كه بليتي است براي ورود به كانون Mensa. IQ اين پسر مي تونه بيشتر از انيشتين و استيون هاوكينگ باشد.

اين پسر اهل شهري در انگليس است و يكي از سرگرمي هايش بدمينتون است. او مي خواهد از هوشش براي كمك به دنيا استفاده كند.

او گفته است كه تست خيلي سخت نبود، اما تاييد كرد كه مجبور بود كه جواب بعضي سوال ها را حدس بزند چرا كه وقت كافي نداشت.

تا كنون نظري ثبت نشده است
ارسال نظر آزاد است، اما اگر قبلا در مونوبلاگ ثبت نام کرده اید می توانید ابتدا وارد شوید.